Sunday, October 25, 2009

State Library of Victoria

The evolution of storytelling.
'The storytelling tradition is as old as humankind, but since the technological revolution much of our storytelling happens on screen or online ...' So this event was promoted at the State library of Victoria. It was a privilege to part of a panel discussion on oral traditions and contemporary formats alongside Michelle Rayner from Radio National and Gabrielle Wang, a superb author and artist. Gabrielle brought along her hand-painted scroll, which if unwound would have spread half the length of the room. I was delighted to see a scene depicting a storyteller and feel inspired to capture some contemporary images of my fellow tale spinners at work.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sheep, Goat and the Creaking Gate

Its on the shelves in time for Christmas! Friend Claire Saxby's latest book for 0 - 5 year olds. A story for the very young illustrated by Judith Rossell and published by Windy Hollow. This is a team that thinks deeply about early childhood. A colourful, well written publication. I'm a fan.

Claire writes with simplicity and humour. I use her story The Old Sailor in my storytelling practice and it is a winner every time. I look forward to seeing The Old Sailor in print in 2010.

Australian Rhyming Verse Orators


Sunday 4 October, I joined the ARVOS under a Eucalypt tree in Kew (Melbourne suburb if you are reading this in another part of the world). The ARVOS proudly follow in the steps of some of Australia's master poets and reciters, Banjo Patterson, Will Ogilvie and Henry Lawson. A white board was propped up against a tree and all those in attendance were listed and a round of recitations followed. These included some self penned works. Featured ARVO was Stephen Whiteside (pictured). Poet and author of several books, Stephen explored the subject of different rhyming techniques. The ARVOS meet on the first Sunday of the month 2.00 pm, Kew Scout Hall at the Jack O'Toole Reserve, Willsmere St Kew (family friendly, no membership fees). I can recommend you join the ARVOS for a cuppa and a rhyme or two.


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