'The Adventure' was the brainchild of myself and Gerry Nelson from Storytelling Australia Victoria and includes SAV members Peter Fernon and Lana Woolf.Other adventurers came from the Newport Fiddle & Folk Club, Greg Hammond, Leonie Kervin and Christine McDonald. We are also indebted to Kala Paramanathan, Laura Sheridan, Rupa Anurendra and Anu Jegadeva, Aunty Nesa, Richard MacNeill and Michael Stewart as well as the countless enthusiasts who joined us on the journey from around the world via Facebook. Special thanks to Andy Fraenkel, Narayan Arunasalam, Kamini Ramachandran, Asha Sampath, GoodDay Tarmada and Kiran Shah.
‘Whatever is here, is found elsewhere. But what is not here, is nowhere else. ‘ (The Book of the Beginning)
Full Details for the Newport Folk Festival HERE