Monday, August 12, 2013

Kamishibai in the Rex Arcade: Daylesford Words inWinter 2013

You could be excused for thinking that the only kind of storytelling I do is Kamishibai but its not the case. What is true, is that I have an enormous amount of fun travelling around with my story box.

Here I was snapped in an arcade in the indescribably picturesque town of Daylesford (about 100 ks north west of Melbourne).

I busked with my stories for two hours. I confess I didn't ride my bike all the way but I did wheel it up a hill and down a hill and through the town.

The event was the Daylesford Words in Winter

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jackie,
here is the "Bee Bee" book that I chatted to you about last night.


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