Monday, August 1, 2011

Storytelling Australia. South Australia 2011

Storytelling Australia (the national body of storytellers) celebrated the 2011 Gathering in South Australia. It was extraordinary!

I arrived on Thursday in order to have time to catch up with SA friends - I lived there for 10 years and have some very special people I love to see when I visit.

On Friday night the Gathering 2011 launched into full swing with a concert of stories.

Tellers from around the country held the audience spellbound with diverse and dynamic performances. Encouraged by Graham Ross from SA, I told the story of the the foundation of Hahndorf in the Adelaide Hills. You can read this story here - its called No horse, no cart, no shoes.

The following day we were locked in discussion with storytellers from around the country, linked into the dialogue via skype. How cute is that map with the microphone in the middle - it says it all. Opinion was beaming in from WA, Q'ld and NSW. Present were reps from the ACT, Vic and WA. The outcome is that the National body of storytellers will soon have a new logo, and a user friendly welcome page to all the member story groups around the country. Hopefully this will make it easier for those of you overseas to contact us and share stories. Watch this space for developments! Gael Cresp, Anne E Stewart (pictured) and myself represented Victoria.

The final day was a day of workshops - a vigorous and exhausting exchange of ideas and resources.

It would be remiss of me if I did not share this new resource, revealed to me over the weekend.

Montgomery Kelly's book Out of the Storyteller's Hat is the book all of us working in the 3 - 7 zone have been waiting for. Generously illustrated by Siovan Kelly, spiral bound for easy photocopying and tracing, this is a resource for both the experienced and the beginning storyteller.

I will be promoting this book wherever I go!

A website for this book is still a work in progress but you can learn more here

  • Out of the Storyteller's Hat
  • $49.95 plus postage.
  • Email: Monty:

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