Friday, May 10, 2013

Launch of the Williamstown Literary Festival Program 29 May - 2 June 2013

It hard to take a photograph that makes a Festival launch look interesting but I promise you all these people are fascinating!

I had a list of things to do today but it all went on the back burner when I received a message from Ange Altair (President) saying it was all go at the Town Hall.

The fun of festivals is making new friends who share an interest in words and ideas and meeting up with old ones.

Here, pictured left to right, is Lowan Clarke. Lowan will be conducting one of the workshops for the Festival: Industrial Landscapes.

Next to Lowan is Isabelle Rowan and Randall Stephens. I like the way Randall appears to be sporting a set of horns - a mischievous performance poet by any measure. Randall and Isabelle are part of a session titled: Love Writing with a Twist - Rated MA 15+.  Erotic gender bending romance is the genre of the moment. (Doesn't the idea of 'bending gender' only hold if you subscribe to a heteronormative view? Perhaps I shall find the answer to this and other questions if I go along?)

And of course, the woman in red, is the current President of the Lit Fest and one of the co founders along with Robin Grove and Catherine Ryan.

The festival is 10 years old this year. You can read all about the Willy Lit Fest HERE.

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